The United States does not know how to fight White Countries

Alexander Lynn
8 min readFeb 18, 2022

White Supremacy and Male Supremacy at Odds with Each Other?

The United States emerged from World War Two as the victor. And who better to carry on the banner of the white supremacist system than a country which was founded on 300 years of chattel slavery, and on the annihilation of the native populations, millions of indigenous people? This latter act, in combination with the establishment of capitalist slavery, constituted the formation of the most enduring settler state in the history of humanity.

The White Supremacist System Again, who better to carry the banner of the Nazi’s than the country who: (1) preceded the Nazi’s in implementing a white supremacist social order, (2) long before the Nazis; (3) the country who showed the way for two of the other most prominent settler states in the history of humanity — South African Apartheid and the Zionist state of Israel — how to set up a white supremacist social order; both the South African apartheid founders and the founders of the settler state of Israel credit both the chattel slavery system and the Jim Crow system (de factor slavery) as the models they used in erecting their institutional systems of white supremacy. Maybe if Hitler had taken a little more of the example of the United States, in other words, had he followed the U.S. leadership in these matters, he may not have been such a flash in the pan. After all, the United States has been succeeding, before the Nazi’s and every since, at the Nazi project, while the Nazi’s only lasted less than two decades!

The United States will never go to war against Russia. Why? Think about this logically. Since the United States took on the mantle of the white supremacist world order after the defeat of the Nazis, their first act was to test, experiment with, the atom bomb on an already defeated Japan — annihilating hundreds of thousands of Asians/Japanese in a few days. They set the tone right there.

And every since, the United States has made war only against People of Color nations. White supremacy, as practiced by its leading practitioner, dictates this ban on fighting against other white countries.

The Male Supremacist System No one reading this polemic has lived one year of your lives when the United States has not been at war. Most of you, those of you born after World War Two, have seen the United States at war every year of your lives against People of Color nations. In this, the dying phase of capitalism, permanent war is absolute. Dying capitalism needs to feed off permanent war to postpone its ultimate demise.

The era of dying capitalism was born during the period (end of the 19th century, beginning of the 20th) when the capitalist countries began their build up for World War One: the war which would decide who owns which parts of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The world needed to be redivided in accordance with the accumulation of capital present in the capitalist powers, as the entire world had already been divided. Redivision was necessary because of the imbalance in the accumulation of capital; and this imbalance was to be rectified by world war.

The U.S. slavers, the U.S. ruling class, went into World War One and gained a stronger place vis-à-vis their rivals. They emerged from World War Two with their superiority in capital accumulation more than in-tact; this superior accumulation of capital was indeed the deciding factor in who would lead the way forward for the white supremacist world after World War Two.

What then is to be said of permanent war? The male supremacist system, which is, in practice, permanent war, dictates that Russia must go to war to gain on their rivals, steal other people’s natural resources, occupy, and colonize other weaker nations. This is a law of the male supremacist system, the capitalist system. As Russia leads in this direction, the United States can’t just sit there. Or can they?

White supremacy dictates that they cannot go to war against another white country. The male supremacist system says they must find someone to go to war against — that is the basis of the capitalist system in decline — it is known as “the permanent war economy.” Without war there is no capitalism.

“I know what to do, we’ll go to war against China; they’re People of Color …, and they are ‘communist’…” If you are reading this column (The NBA and China, 2020) then you know it has been pointed out repeatedly, the United States cannot go to war against China. For one thing, China is in the progressively extending process of colonizing U.S. monopoly capital. We will use one example: Fentanyl is made in China and then distributed to the United States. The Chinese leadership provides U.S. drug dealers with this chemical for free. Today thousands of people in the United States are dying from overdoses of Fentanyl every month. It has replaced heroin — while news agencies continue to talk about heroin and opioids, they are lying — there is no more heroin; people are “achieving heroin heaven” and then dying from overdoses by using Fentanyl.

This importation of Fentanyl is the definition of chemical warfare — thousands of U.S. casualties every month. However, warfare is usually defined as having at least two participants. In this situation, the United States government, and its real boss, Big Pharma (the #2 most profitable industry in the United States by volume of revenues) have entered into a sweetheart deal with China: “You can kill our citizens all you want — we won’t fight it.” [i]

Given the above, the war consists of China and the United States ruling class collaborating in this fight against… the people of the United States.

And Big Pharma then, unopposed, markets and practices its MAT “cure” (Medicated Assisted Treatment),[ii] which consists of supplying endless amounts of psychotropic drugs to the one-third of the U.S. population who are currently walking around like zombies. Yes, Big Pharma says, “Keep them rushing in [those addicted to Fentanyl], and we will ‘cure’ them with a life-time supply of psychotropic drugs…” “When the whole population is addicted, then we win…” The frontline drug dealers in the U.S. today are… psychiatrists, foot soldiers for Big Pharma in this war against the people of the United States.

And if you are not certain of the government’s part in this war follow this image: The City of Boston has sponsored for some six or seven years now what they term a “homeless community,” today called Mass Ave — named after the main thoroughfare where hundreds of homeless people live, surrounded by the upper middle-class neighborhood of Boston’s South End.

Any in the least bit astute observer will see after a few days of investigation that it is not a homeless community; it is a community of drug addicts and drug dealers. Every moment of every day, 24 hours a day, drug dealers sell drugs to drug addicts, and drug addicts use these drugs — right on the side-walk. Every hour of every day can be seen hundreds of drug addicts shooting fentanyl in their veins in broad daylight. If you are not a drug addict or a drug dealer there is no reason for a homeless person to live here. There are other places to go. The reason why this population stays here is because the Boston City government has sanctioned this area as one where a drug addict can freely and openly use drugs; and where drug dealers can freely and openly supply drug addicts with drugs.

People routinely overdose and die on these sidewalks in front of onlooking police.

And to meet the demand for paraphernalia, the much heralded (for what, it is not clear) Boston Public Health Commission gives out, for free, hundreds of syringes, crack pipes, crystal meth pipes, cleaning materials and other necessities for drug use for all comers daily. In order to qualify for these free supplies, you need to be a drug addict. The “war on drugs” used to be a war waged by the U.S. government against poor, of-color communities in the United States. Mass Ave is an example of the escalation of the war to be one fought by the United States government against the entire people of the United States.

The United States must be at war — this is a law of the permanent war economy. The United States, as the foremost leader of the white supremacist world, cannot go to war against white countries — this is a law of the white supremacist system.

U.S. monopoly capital is, as we speak, being colonized by Chinese monopoly capital. It cannot go to war against its colonial master. And the majority of the people of the U.S. who the U.S. government and Big Pharma have resorted to chemical warfare against are White Americans? In this situation, it is China who is the mother of this chemical warfare.

You read it here… again. In the case of Russia white supremacy dictates. In the case of People of Color nations, the law of permanent war will dictate. In the case of China, the reproduction of capital dictates: U.S. corporations will not go to war against their master, the largest corporation in the history of the world and the most powerful corporation today — the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Chinese monopoly capital (the PRC) dictates to the U.S. government and Big Pharma in the murdering of thousands of U.S. citizens every month.

As you watch Biden and the liberal face of U.S. monopoly capital wring their hands, do not distress. As hard as it may be for some of us to watch news casters take out their tissue while they intone: “This could be the most egregious war in Europe since World War Two; it is this fact that brings us so much distress…” Listen Margarete, not to worry. It’s all a dog and pony show. The United States will not go to war against Russia any time in this historical era. They are at war against all of us right now.


Lynn, (2018). “The Pilgrims are still on the Settler Road.” The Pilgrims are still on the Settler Road | by Alexander Lynn | Medium

Lynn, (2021). “Opioid Addiction Defining a Social System.” Opioid Addiction Defining a Social System | by Alexander Lynn | Medium

Social Justice Education. (2019). “The NBA and China.” The NBA and China. by Social Justice Education | by Alexander Lynn | Medium

Lynn. (2018). “The Execution of Whitey Bulger.” The Execution of Whitey Bulger. The Commonness of the Grotesque and the… | by Alexander Lynn | Medium

Vasquez, Gruppe and Lynn, with Nefer, Mitchell and Hill. (2019). “The New Zealand Massacre.” (The New Zealand Massacre:. Modern Terrorism is | by Alexander Lynn | Medium

[i] For any of you who doubt that such sweetheart deals are made daily and hourly by the U.S. ruling class and by members of the U.S. ruling class, here are two examples, of admittedly a much smaller scale, which every one of you saw on television while they were happening: (1) In a deal between the Massachusetts Department of Corrections and the Catholic Church, John Geoghan, the most notorious child predator in the history of the sexual abuse of children, was eaten by his fellow inmate (who happened to be a known cannibal) within seconds of his arrival in prison (Lynn, 2018). This literally took place between the noon news which reported on his entry into prison, and the 6pm news which reported on his being eaten. (2) The deal between the Feds and the Mob which resulted in the “extrajudicial” execution of Whitey Bulger, live on national TV (2018).

[ii] Please see Roland Martin’s podcast in favor of Harm Reduction which is the U.S. government’s twin sister of Big Pharma’s Medicated Assisted Treatment. STFU! Biden isn’t giving Blacks crack pipes — Bing video. In this podcast entitled “STFU! Biden isn’t giving Blacks crack pipes,” Martin mounts evidence to defend the Harm Reduction method of addressing drug addiction. You be the judge — is MAT coincident with Harm Reduction?

